Take a Step Towards Success with the Method of Debate

Debate is an important learning method in university education. It helps students improve their analytical thinking, research skills, and critical thinking abilities. By understanding opposing views, they learn to strengthen their arguments and defend them logically.

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Work Package 2. Preparation of teaching materials and training

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Work Package 3. Collaborative e-learning platform

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Work Package 4. Online discussion

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Work Package 5. Communication and dissemination


The DEBATE project (2022-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000085513) aims to promote the development of the skills and competences that young university students need to improve their critical thinking and employability through the creation of collective learning environments. In this sense, debate is proposed as a methodology that fosters the ability to exercise critical judgement.
Other objectives are to improve the quality and efficiency of education and training, promote active citizenship and enhance creativity.

The following activities will be developed:

  • Transnational meetings between project partners.
  • A training course for teachers on debate methodology.
  • Local laboratories to work on debate methodology.
  • Holding online debates between university students from different countries.
  • Local seminars to share the results of the project.
  • A Final Conference in Spain.
  • Dissemination activities of the results obtained.

The results of the project will be:

  • Online manual on debate methodology.
  • A collaborative e-learning platform.
  • A manual for the development of debate in different contexts, which will be integrated into the collaborative platform.
  • An online debate tool.
  • Report on the feasibility of a new debate-based training programme and its transferability to other higher education
    organisations and beyond.

Project file.

Training activity

Local workshops